Sunday, October 30, 2005

Wendy Cheng aka Xiaxue in limelight again!

Xiaxue is in the limelight again! Again for the wrong reasons. Why is it I am not surprise that she had lost her sponsors? In fact what surprises me is why people want to sponsor her in the first place. Reading her blog, I find that she is foul mouthed, lack of respect for authority and downright arrogant at times. Maybe this is her way of generating traffic to her blogsite. That is fine with me because it reflects her opinion and her character. Why would respectable company wants to sponsor this type of blogsite - antiestablishment, use of four letter words, insensitive and now uncaring! Looking at the comments she gets, I noticed most of the people who supported her are teenages and that is worrisome. How much bad influence will she rub on to the rest? One day when she is a parent, I wonder whether she will let her children read her blogsite? Good luck to her!

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