Friday, November 11, 2005

The correct way....


Jordan experienced a horrific terrorist attack yesterday when three bombs exploded in Amman. Two bombs struck in a wedding banquet killing many people - total of 42 Arabs, with the bulk of which are Jordanian - 33 in all. In contrast only four non-Arabs were killed. King Abdulla of Jordan quickly condemns the attack and vowed to track and brought the perpetrator to justice. The general public also expressed their disapproval by marching through Amman and condemned Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the alleged mastermind linked to this bombing. [Source] I feel that this is the way to show these terrorist that killing innocent people has no support with the general public in the Muslim world. Resorting to killing innocent people cannot be called Islam as Islam is a religion of peace. I sincerely hope that more Muslim leaders will condemned such acts so that these extremist will be alienated and the "moderates" will prevails!

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